Hannah Beezer 2nd January 2023

Hi Ros, I was just fondly remembering your family and my dear friend Phoebe from my days at primary school with her, talking to my dad about those days and wondering what Phoebe got up to next and have come across this page with great sadness. I remeber mixing up potionsl/lotions with Phoebe in your bathroom in Ivinghoe and sleeping over at your house with a whole bunch of us for Phoebe's birthday- we stayed up all night (the potions and up all night might all be news to you!), and of course her bat mitzvah! She was such a bright spark and a wonderful soul and I was very sorry to lose touch with her after primary school! I am so very very sorry to find that she is no longer alive, she was a truly bright spark and a one in a million soul. Best wishes to you x